Jakob and Julia
We have our own personal blogs, and as an experiment, we decided to post about our relationship on a single site.
Email us at .
Discussing Privacy
The following is from CSI, following a conversation in which they discuss people who post to Twitter:
Guy #1) Some people just don’t value privacy.
Guy #2) They don’t expect privacy, they value openness.
Guy #1) Whatever.
People constantly ask Jakob and me why we don’t “value our privacy”; the truth is, I’ve never thought of it like that. I *DO* value my privacy - quite a bit. There are all sorts of things I’d never contemplate posting.
But I also value openness, and that’s what this experiment is about - delving into the inner-workings of a real relationship, with all its flaws. Perhaps you wouldn’t want to discuss this sort of thing online (or maybe anywhere!). I get that - I wouldn’t expect most people to be comfortable with this. That having been said, I’ve been a dating columnist for over five years now; it’s a natural - and fascinating - next step to analyze a realtionship as it evolves.
I couldn’t imagine a better learning experience.
Posted by julia